Blackstone LaunchPad Ideathons

The Innovation Hub Ideathon is part of our biweekly Seminole Innovators’ Lunch Hour.

Tentative date for the first Challenge is Friday Jan. 27, 2023

Each Seminole Innovator Lunch Hour closes with a design challenge. Students develop a solution to the design challenge to pitch at the next lunch hour. One idea per student presented on a single slide (think infographic). Entries are judged on impact and feasibility! Attendees vote on the solutions with prizes awarded to the top idea. The participant with the number one solution has their name engraved on the Ideathon trophy displayed in the Innovation Hub.

Current Challenge:

Jan 13 - Jan 27, 2023

How might we…

Past Challenges

Challenge 1

Sep 9 - 23, 2022

How Might We … assist walking students and wheeled students (riding bikes, boards, and scooters) cross campus more safely, avoiding pedestrian collisions, so that we can all get to class as quickly and safely as possible.


  1. Jaya Prakash - smart signage along walkways that alert pedestrians when a fast moving wheeled vehicle is approaching

  2. Austin Kidd - FSU Drivers License (Passes) for bikes, boards, and scooters

  3. Jaya and Austin - Widen sidewalks and add bike lanes

The Innovation Hub and Seminole Innovators’ have partnered with the Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship and Blackstone Lauchpad initiatives to provide cash prizes to 1st place winners in the Ideathon competitions at the bi-weekly Lunch Hour events.

For more information contact Wes Dorce at

Seminole Innovators > Lunch Hour > Showcase > Ideathons