Our Team
Our people are our greatest asset.
Our full-time staff, faculty, Innovators in Residence, steering committee members, graduate assistants, and undergraduate interns are some of the most innovative, compassionate, skillful, and optimistic people you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. …and we’re all here to help you get going! While our numbers are typically around 30 during the academic year, we work with a much smaller but dynamic group in the summer time.
We’ve got some serious skills: 3D Design , Advertising, Media and Public Relations, Computer Programming, Content Development , Design Thinking, Digital Fabrication, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Graphic Design, Photography and Digital Media, Social Impact, Unmanned Aerial Systems, Video Production, Virtual Reality and Web Development, and a wide variety of specialized skills from our academic parters.
2023-2024 Team

Ken Baldauf, Founding Director, ken@innovation.fsu.edu

Eric Adams, Asst. Director, Fablab, eric@innovation.fsu.edu

Jackson Anderson, New & Immersive Media, jackson@innovation.fsu.edu

Wes Dorce, Asst. Director, Experiential Learning, wes@innovation.fsu.edu

Leila Gibradze, Asst. Director, Facilities, leila@innovation.fsu.edu

Rienne Saludo, Asst. Director, Design & New Tech, ren@innovation.fsu.edu

Nial Alexander, Graduate Asstistant

Andrea Colon-De Feria, Graduate Assistant

Jacob Javor, Area Specialist

Shivakumar Machidi, Graduate Assistant

Joy Akingbola, Undergrad Ambassador

Huyen Bui, Undergrad Ambassador

Bria Weisblat, Undergrad Ambassador, Computer Science

Lucas Deininger, Undergrad Ambassador, Engineering

Peter Hwang, Undergrad Ambassador,

Alex Gibson, Undergrad Ambassador, Management Info Systems

Mason Gibson, Undergrad Ambassador, Engineering

Jamie Guterman, Undergrad Ambassador,

Rian Jackson, Undergrad Ambassador, Information Technology

James Hudson, Undergrad Ambassador,

Craig Moore, Undergrad Ambassador, Studio Art

Laura Ospina, Undergrad Ambassador, Studio Art

Justin Pollack, Undergrad Ambassador, Computer Engineering

Prerna Ravinder, Undergrad Ambassador, Computer Program & App

Tiana Rivera, Undergrad Ambassador

Cyrus Sabet, Undergrad Ambassador, Media/Communications

Jake Scally, Undergrad Ambassador

Anders Snell, Undergrad Ambassador

Jacob Proenza-Smith, Undergrad Ambassador, Computer Science
The Innovation Hub Steering Committee
The Innovation Hub Steering Committee has representation from all our partner departments. This group of innovative faculty and staff brainstorm ideas to drive innovation on campus through the Innovation Hub.

Ken Baldauf, Director, Innovation Hub

Darren Brooks, Assistant Department Chair, Director of the Center for Human Resource Management, College of Business

Kevin Curry, Teaching Faculty, Graduate Director, College of Fine Arts

Larry Dennis, Dean, College of Communication and Information

Gordon Erlebacher, Professor and Chair, Department of Scientific Computing

Jonathan Fozard, Deputy CIO, Information Technology Services
Robby Fuselier, Director ODL, Office of Distance Learning

Lynn Grasso, Assistant Program Director, Fitness Facilities, Division of Student Affairs

Lauren Kendall, Teaching Faculty II, College of Nursing

Terry Londy, Assistant Professor Department of Interior Architecture and Design, College of Fine Arts

Paul Marty, Professor, School of Information

Hunter Matthew, Assistant University Librarian - Digital Scholarship, Libraries

Shane McConomy, Lead on Senior Design Projects, College of Engineering

David Montez, Associate Director, Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement

Jeremiah Murphy, Assistant Professor, Physics Department

Wendy Plant, Director for the InNOLEvation® Center for Student Engagement, Jim Moran School of Entrepreneurship

Emily Pritchard, Steering Committee Chair, Director of FSU Mayo Clinic Collaboration, College of Medicine

Rabieh Razzouk, Director, Florida Center for Research in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (FCR-STEM), Learning Systems Institue

Cesar Rodriguez, Research Faculty I and Entrepreneurship Advocate, College of Medicine

Craig Stanley, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Social Work
Jonathan Stone, Head of Visual Effects, College of Motion Picture Arts

Dina Vyortkina, Director, Office of Information and Instructional Technologies, College of Education

Jeff Whalen, Teaching Faculty II, Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship